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S k i p p y
S2 licensed
Quote from DeadWolfBones :Having read Corey's post before he deleted it, I'm pretty sure that it's option c) he didn't want to fan the increasingly redundant flames here.

It still doesn't negate the fact that I was only offering a suggestion from a neutral standpoint. Everybody seems to want to turn it into something else. It's obvious that my help is not wanted and it seems that its actually frowned upon. Silly me thinking I could save you guys some grief by covering yourselves from a very minor flaw. I know its hard to do what you are doing and you are doing the best that you can with what you have to work with. Good luck in the future.

EDIT: The only thing making this conversation redundant is the fact that one half is not accepting the proof and the other half is having a hard time understanding why. Further, I have yet to flame a single person, so I have to think that it wasn't option c) after all. Stop making this a "us against them". Stop skirting the issue. Every time I come up with yet another way to explain it, you skirt it and turn it into something else like you did above. Address the issue and I'll happily leave this thread and we can get on with the pizza and beer.
Last edited by S k i p p y, .
S k i p p y
S2 licensed
Quote from rcpilot :You know what, forget it. There used to be a long post here lambasting some people for their actions here and continuing the argument, but I believe in 'if you can't say anything nice, don't say anything at all' in these situations. Nothing I could say can counteract an argument that wandered away from having any point long ago and I can only make this situation worse.

So basically you're telling me that you either a) can't argue a point and keep it civil or b) don't a valid arguing point to begin with.

Let me put it so plainly that a child could understand:

- I have not taken sides.
- I have not "lambasted" or bashed any admin or team or anybody else, ever.
- I have not ever been directly involved in an incident with anybody or any rule in the IGTC.

- I have praised the admins for doing the best that they can.
- I have provided proof that their is an inconsistency in the way rules are handled.
- I have merely offered a suggestion for the future.

Everybody keeps trying to turn this into a "A vs. B" thing and it isn't. I came here of my own free will. I read this forum on my own. I have never been directly involved with an incident that had anything to do with my team or any other. If a driver from my team has a legitimate gripe with anybody then it is their place to argue it not mine. What's done is done so there's no point in trying to change the past. I'm looking towards the future and what can be done to prevent another fiasco from happening. If you guys don't want to accept suggestions maybe you should make that a rule as well. I would of left this thread after one post if I had been told "thanks, we will work on it because it's a problem". Oh no, you guys had to turn it into what it is because you either don't want help or you can't see the obvious discrepancy written in your very own words.

I ask that the next time you feel the undying need to hit the reply button, that you take the time to actually read all the posts.
S k i p p y
S2 licensed
Quote from DeadWolfBones : We can't change the rules mid-race.

Quote from DeadWolfBones :I was uncomfortable with altering the rule on the fly (as I always am) but the situation seemed pressing.

If nobody can see the problem.....

I give up. Obviously there are certain people that can't admit that they are wrong and will keep arguing forever. It's not worth my time. For those of you benefiting from these types of decisions, that's cool, you'll have a great season. For the ones getting screwed, just go find a different league. It's not worth the aggravation for anybody.

Corey the above 2 quotes are inconsistent. If they were consistent they would say the same thing. The 2 incidents were entirely different. The problem is that a person was told that the reason for the decision was because there will be no rule changes. That person took that as the final answer. Maybe a better explanation would of helped at the time. Now we are here, those same people that took that for their answer are now reading that the admins can change stuff whenever they like. Which makes them feel short changed that their incident didn't even warrant a decent explanation but simply a quick answer citing rule changing. Take it for what you will, my eye's don't lie to me. I'm trying to get the admins to realize that whatever they say can harm them later. That's why they need to be consistent in their statements.
Last edited by S k i p p y, .
S k i p p y
S2 licensed
First of all I don't appreciate your line that implies I may be stupid.

That said, it's not what you did but what you said.

You said in the other circumstance that its a rule and we don't change rules mid season. Then you change rules now. If you can't read what you post, you are beyond help yourself.

Maybe if you had taken the time write such a rule to distinguish what rules you can change and what rules you can't change then you would of avoided all of this in the first place. That's your problem, not mine. You are trying to dig yourself out of a hole.

I told you I wouldn't take sides because I honestly believe that you are doing the best you can with what you have to work with. However, trying to prod me is simply going to piss me off and then I will take sides. Cya.
S k i p p y
S2 licensed
Quote from BenjiMC : If you guys really feel so badly about this situation, cast your minds back to last season at FE3 and what happened to F1RST racing. They were leading, someone else crashed, they got punted into the sky because of almost identical reasons.

So because they chose not to argue then nobody should?
Quote from BenjiMC : Show me a post with them acting in the same manor as your team right now.

That seems a bit derogatory......
Quote from BenjiMC :After all i thought this was about the short SC rather than your team being punted off track by someone else and you guys not getting over the fact that the seriousness of the incident is on a much different scale.

It is about that, which is also about the other. It is about both because one moment you can't change rules no matter what, then all of a sudden you change them when you feel fit.

Damn, all I see anybody asking is that you guys are consistent. They aren't asking for their race back. They are simply asking for consistency. You guys are taking this crap way too personal.
S k i p p y
S2 licensed
Quote from DeadWolfBones :....or feel that it should be changed to benefit you whenever something doesn't go your way.

I guess on a positive note, you guys feel the same way about each other.

Hello Pot, I'm Mr. Kettle.
S k i p p y
S2 licensed
Dustin, getting punted at 150mph in the heat of things racing is a far cry different then getting punted under yellow at 50mph. And for the record I don't believe anyone on our team has ever talked like a script kiddie.
S k i p p y
S2 licensed
Quote from Gil07 :Well if a car is flipped, totally wrecked so it can't move or gets outside the race-track (the only cases where you retire in IGTC), you'd have to retire in rl as well. Sorry if I wasn't clear.

That made sense. The problem is that if it was in real life, he wouldn't of been punted outside of the track. I've never seen a real life GTR car punted of the track and flipped because of getting hit during a yellow flag. Real life physics don't allow for that. LFS physics however do allow for that. There in lies the problem. The point is that it's not real life, and we (collectively) have to account for that. They should of allowed the car to re-enter the track and get their damage fixed and start at the back. Then they could of given the penalty. Everybody wins and wouldn't be here now.

At any rate, DWB is obviously irritated that people are here arguing this and it's making his authority feel challenged so I'm going to step out and I wish you all the best of luck.
S k i p p y
S2 licensed
Quote from Gil07 :Uhm, yes... Doesn't that happen in IGTC as well?

Maybe you should re-read your last post because you just talked in a circle and went no where.
S k i p p y
S2 licensed
Quote from Gil07 :Have you ever seen a car that crashes out be allowed to rejoin the race by magical powers? Thought so. That is the point here. You've probably noticed IGTC is one of the LFS series that has the most focus on realism, no shift-Ps, etc, so there is no reason you should be allowed to rejoin after crashing. All you can hope for (and expect) is a penalty for the offending team.

Do I really need to point out the error in your post. Cars crash all the time. They pit to fix damage, go back out to stay on the lead lap, pit to fix damage, go back out on the lead lap, pit to fix damage, etc. Until they feel like they've fixed as much as they can. It's not magical powers, it's called normal operations.
S k i p p y
S2 licensed
Quote from DeadWolfBones :No car will ever be allowed to rejoin the race after going out due to its own actions or due to being taken out. It just won't happen.

Why's that? Because that's the rule?

Thanks for making my point.
S k i p p y
S2 licensed
I really try to stay neutral all the time but I just have to point this out.

The problem is that you were unwilling to change a rule during another race when one of our cars was flipped by another car. You said that you can't just go changing the rules in mid season. So we ended up getting screwed because of somebody else's lack of driving skills. You were not willing to make a change or provision then even though our car was an innocent victim in that case.

Fast forward to race 4 - you say that you can change the rules when you see fit in the best interest of all parties involved.

Ok, do you see the inconsistency here?

I understand why Nolan is angry. He's not alien fast. He has to practice a lot, he puts in a lot of time to prepare. Then he gets pretty much shafted only to find out later that you could of prevented it if you wanted too. It was obviously at the admin's discretion the whole time, at least according to what you've said here.

Quote : You'll notice it's the same two or three people who always mention it.

Ironically those same 2 or 3 are the ones that feel they are constantly getting the short end of the stick. Ask yourself how you would feel.

I don't envy any of you. Admining these things are a no win situation. Like you said you're damned if you do and damned if you don't. Good luck.

Just to clarify, I am not taking sides nor will I. I'm just pointing out the issue that started all this.
S k i p p y
S2 licensed
You can get a new momo black in your price range (+$10). ... dpNo=457920&CatId=141

I bought mine from a local retailer for about the same price and saved myself the shipping.
S k i p p y
S2 licensed
Quote from e2mustang :its gotta be an american joke than coz i dont get it

He took your sig as you saying "no you (demo) took my (S2) XRT.

To which he replied "Don't worry we (demo) gave it back to you (S2).

I got it.

At any rate, I'm not saying you have to make skins sashdev. I'm just saying that if you contribute in some way, help the community out, you could end up helping someone generous that thinks your contributions are worth buying you S2.

I'm not going to tell you what to do, I was merely offering some simple suggestions. It's up to you to figure out how to contribute. Some people have earned their licenses around here in different ways and I'm not even saying that it will work for you.

I do have to say though that you have showed tremendous effort here in this thread. If you put that much effort into talking your parents into letting you buy S2 or if you put that much effort into practicing for the FBM competition then you would probably already have S2.
S k i p p y
S2 licensed
Quote from shashdev :OMG, can any of you read the whole topic before you start telling me to get the money. Really? How about you read the numerous times I have stated that I have the money to buy the game, but I cannot since my parents do not let me. I have enough money to buy a $3000 car if I want. Okay, get it? I have the money. My parents do not let me use it on the game. I tried to let my dad play it last night. He looked at it, and said it does not look realistic. Yes, they do not want to have any reason to let my buy the game.

-I have the money
-Parents do not let me buy the game
-I cannot convince them

Is that clear enough for you. Sorry for sounding mad, buy it pisses me off when people start stating the same thing over and over again. I can understand with one or two posts. I don't need 15 posts telling me to buy it myself. I really was trying not to do this, but if you are not going to read the whole topic, don't bother answering based on just post 1. Thanks for the posts that actually talk about the SUGGESTION, not about how much money I have.

While I can see that a few have maybe not read the whole thread to the degree that you demand, you have failed to read every post as well. I gave you no less than 4 suggestions in this post on page 2
Quote :
If your parents won't let you get it then respect their wishes. If you have to have it, try contributing to the game some other way. Make insim apps, make skins, build websites. You could even join in the voucher competition. There are a lot of generous people here, help them out and maybe, just maybe they will help you out.

Had you actually bothered to read that the first time I posted it, you would have noticed I gave you some suggestions to circumvent your parents strict no spending policy.

Instead, you would rather get mad because no one is seeing it your way. Even some demo users have stopped by and said that the demo is more than enough the way it is. All you want is for someone to give you more for free. You aren't actually willing to earn it.

I mean, I'd love to own a yacht. It's not going to happen so I've accepted that. Man up and accept it for what it is. You don't always get what you want.

On the other hand, if you want it bad enough, you will figure out a way to get it.
Last edited by S k i p p y, .
S k i p p y
S2 licensed
Quote from shashdev :Yeah, I already have the money. That is no problem at all. It is my parents not letting me buy it. They think that is too much to spend on a game! It really sucks!

My 8 year old has his regular chores around the house. If I want him to do something outside of those regular chores then I usually pay him at my discretion. He can spend that money on anything he wants. I believe I'm teaching him the value of money this way. That is just my stance. I can't tell your parents how to raise you so that's a moot point.

So I will just tell you what my parents used to tell me - when you're 18 you can do whatever you want, until then you live by our rules.

If your parents won't let you get it then respect their wishes. If you have to have it, try contributing to the game some other way. Make insim apps, make skins, build websites. You could even join in the voucher competition. There are a lot of generous people here, help them out and maybe, just maybe they will help you out.
S k i p p y
S2 licensed
I usually don't get involved in things like this but I'm really getting tired of demo users always wanting more. Buy the game.

From a marketing standpoint, they gave the FBM to the demo so that people that are genuinely interested in buying the game could see what an open-wheeler was like. The trade off was that you lost a car. If the people that complained about that were really planning on buying LFS, they wouldn't have complained in the first place knowing they would get it back as soon as they purchased S2. Buy the game.

As far as tracks go - BL is a great track to make your decision on whether or not to buy. It has a long straight, it has sweepers in both directions, it has tight corners. It's perfect for a demo. Buy the game.

Before I played the LFS demo I had never downloaded a real piece of software that didn't have a time limit. Yes I know that there are freeware versions of almost anything imaginable but LFS is not freeware. If you download pretty much any demo of any software, there is a time limit. I am all for putting a time limit on the demo. It would force people to finally make up their minds. Fortunately for you the devs are nicer than I am. They put up with the freeloaders that complain or "suggest" stuff here. Plus they pretty much put up with a lot of you guys playing a part of their game indefinitely for free. Buy the game.

My point is, if you were really planning on actually buying the game any time soon, you wouldn't be here complaining or "suggesting". I understand that sometimes money is tight. I played the demo for a few months. At that time money was tight around here. So I budgeted. If the demo did expire at some point, I could of lived without until I could afford it. Buy the game.

What a lot of you demoers fail to realize is the bottom line. This is a business. The devs did not get into this so that they could spend the majority of their time working on something for free. This is their job. The money we pay them for LFS goes towards rent, food, clothes, etc. The money also goes into research to make the game better. The game that you have not yet paid for gets better every day because most of us choose to pay. Buy the game.

Let me ask you this - If I asked you to come mow 1.55% of my lawn, then I asked you to mow another .51% for a total of 2.06% of my lawn, would you do it? Knowing full well that i probably wasn't going to pay you to mow the rest of it anyway?

I applaud your well thought out post. You seem to have a grasp on math and grammar. Which is more than I can say for most kids your age. So kudos on that. However, it doesn't excuse the fact that you are here begging for more free stuff. Enjoy what you have, it is free after all. Demoers keep complaining or "suggesting" and you may end up with nothing at all. Buy the game.

Cya around.
Last edited by S k i p p y, .
New Member!
S k i p p y
S2 licensed
S3R Welcomes ZeroR to the team.

We are glad to have him on board. He's also the very first member not from the states to join us.
S k i p p y
S2 licensed
Quote from dougie-lampkin :If you want your server to be included in the barricade do you have to ask, or does it do it automagically does anyone know?

You don't really include your server. The barricade is pretty much just a site that admins who have the site password can go and look at the evidence. Kind of like a library for crashers. You could one-click ban from the website to your server at one point but I'm not sure if SamH updated that feature to work with the new patch. Personally I go there once a week, look at the new uploaded mprs, then update my ban lists for our servers. It's pretty simple, takes a little bit of your time, but it's worth it to me to keep our servers clean.

PM SamH, he can give you the particulars.
S k i p p y
S2 licensed
I'd like to remind you all that if you see anybody anywhere using hacks of any kind please send the replay to the Wrecker Barricade

That way a lot of the server admins can ban these idiots without having to hunt the mprs down on the forums. Just makes it easier and quicker for us.

If you admin multiple servers and would like access to the replays uploaded at the barricade, contact the mod here named SamH. He created the barricade system and it does work.

Let's clean up our game we all love.
S k i p p y
S2 licensed
First of all the thread was moved to a part of our forum for which you do not have access. You were not removed from the thread, the thread was removed from the public. Furthermore, it was moved because people have decided to drag conversations from our forum into this forum. If you have a problem there then talk about it there.
S k i p p y
S2 licensed
He's demo though. Demo bans IPs. So wouldn't he need to /unban "IP"?
S k i p p y
S2 licensed
We wish Ed and his family all the best, and a speedy recovery.

Get well soon Ed!
S k i p p y
S2 licensed
Quote from Albieg :For sure, it was this:

This person has been perma-banned from all LOTF servers since that was posted. This is one of the many reasons that anybody with a server needs to contact SamH and get on his Barricade mailing list. Let's keep this game clean.
New Member
S k i p p y
S2 licensed
Today, we at the "Land Of The Free"

|||S k i p p y
LOTF GhostRyder

welcome a new provisional member from Orlando, Fl.
LOTF NoQuarter